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Are You Nervous About Starting Therapy? Is That Normal?

Are You Nervous About Starting Therapy? Is That Normal?

Hi there! If you're reading this, you've probably decided to start therapy or are thinking about it but are a little anxious. Let me start by reassuring you that having anxiety before beginning treatment is very normal and relatively common. Are you nervous about starting therapy? Don’t worry It’s normal because It's a big step in the right direction toward taking care of your mental health, but like any new adventure, there are some unknowns.

Importance of Addressing Nervousness

Dealing with this anxiety is very important because it helps you go into therapy with an open mind and a sense of being ready. The process is less scary and more satisfying when you know why you're feeling the way you are and how to deal with those feelings.

Reasons for Feeling Nervous

Fear of the Unknown

Are you nervous about starting therapy because of the unknown?. The fear of the unknown is one of the main thing that makes people nervous about starting treatment. A lot of us don't know much about therapy. This is especially true in South Asia, where talks about mental health are just beginning to catch on. Anyone can feel worried when they don't know what to expect. Your question is, "What will I talk about?" What if I start to cry? Why should I worry that the doctor won't get me?" All of these are good worries that a lot of people have.


Are you nervous about starting therapy due to stigma?. Even though we've come a long way, there is still a lot of social stigma in South Asia around mental health care. A lot of people are afraid of what other people will think if they tell them they're going to therapy. The worry of being looked down upon or called "weak" or "crazy" can make people even more tense. Remember that asking for help is a sign of power, not weakness. To break the taboo, we all need to make mental health care seem normal.


Are you nervous about starting therapy because talking about your private thoughts, feelings, and experiences in therapy can make you feel open and open to being hurt. People in many South Asian cultures are taught to control their emotions and not let other people know about their issues. Because of this, the thought of telling a stranger (the therapist) very personal things about our lives can be terrifying.

I do not want to change

Often, therapy helps people grow and change, which can be both good and scary. It's difficult to make changes and getting to know yourself and healing can sometimes make you feel bad. Are you nervous about starting therapy because you don't want to deal with these changes.

Bad experiences in the past

You might be hesitant to try therapy or a therapist again if you've had a bad experience with them before. You may have felt you needed to be heard or understood by the therapist or that they weren't a good fit for you. These things can stay with you and make you afraid to get help again.

Managing Nervousness About Starting Therapy

Educate Yourself

Learning about what therapy is like is one of the best ways to deal with nervousness. Find out about the different kinds of treatment and what they can do for you. Knowing about stress management techniques can make you feel less anxious. You can find many things online, like papers, videos, and forums, where you can learn about therapy and talk to people who have been through it.

Do not expect too much

When going to therapy, it's essential to have realistic goals. Know that it's a process and may take some time to progress. It's okay that there will be ups and downs. Therapy isn't a quick fix; it's a process that leads to better mental health and wellbeing. If you know this, you can be more patient with yourself and the process.

How to Find the Right Therapist

Are you nervous about starting therapy because you're unsure about finding the right therapist?. It's essential to find the right doctor. It's vital that you feel safe and understood by your doctor. Don't be afraid to "shop around" until you find the right person for you. There are a lot of therapists who give free first sessions.

This is a great way to determine if their style and approach work for you. If you are South Asian, finding a doctor who knows about your culture and what you've been through may also be helpful.

Get ready for the first meeting.

Getting ready for your first therapy session can help you feel like you have more control. Write down what you want to talk about or what you want to know. This can include what you want from therapy, the problems you want to solve, and any worries or questions about the process. Making a list can help you stay on top of things and calm down.

Talk about how you feel.

You can tell your doctor that you're scared. They know how to make you feel at ease and understood. By telling your therapist how you feel, you let them reassure and help you, which makes the process easier for you. Don't forget that a good doctor will never judge you for being worried.

Practice Self-Care

Do things that make you feel good and lower your worry. This can include exercise, meditation, or hobbies you love. Practicing stress management techniques is an essential part of dealing with worry and getting ready for the emotional work of therapy. If you take care of your physical health, it can also help your mental health.

Benefits of Therapy

Improved Mental Health

Therapy can help people with anxiety, sadness, and other mental illnesses deal with their symptoms. It gives you a safe place to talk about your thoughts and find ways to deal with your life problems. In South Asia, where mental health problems are often ignored, therapy can be a significant way to improve health as a whole.

Better ways to deal with stress

You'll learn better ways to deal with stress and hard feelings by attending therapy. You can use these skills a lot in your daily life and when you're dealing with more significant events in your life. Learning stress management techniques can help you live a more healthy and satisfying life.

A better understanding of oneself

Therapy helps you think more deeply about yourself and better understand who you are. It can help you see trends in the way you think and act and figure out how things that happened in the past affect the present. A critical part of personal growth and healing is becoming more self-aware.

Enhanced Relationships

Better communication and control of your emotions can improve your interactions with others. Therapy can help you connect with others healthily, whether with friends, family, or a romantic partner. In South Asian families, the ties between generations can be tricky. Therapy can help people better handle these situations.


Starting treatment can often cause anxiety, but recognizing these feelings and taking action to deal with them can help the process go more smoothly. You can control your anxiety and approach therapy with greater openness by making yourself aware, setting reasonable expectations, selecting the best therapist, getting ready for sessions, communicating your feelings, and engaging in self-care. Recall that asking for assistance is a start in the right direction toward improved mental health and wellbeing. It is up to us all to end the stigma associated with mental health. You're not alone if you're anxious to begin therapy; taking this first step is a brave and self-care act.