Jahan Ara
Jahan Ara Chughtai is a foreign qualified therapist practicing in Lahore Pakistan. She sees clients both in-person and online. She received her MS in mental health counseling from the University of Rochester NY on the Fulbright scholarship. She received an outstanding counselors award upon graduation. In Rochester, she worked at a domestic violence agency with all types of survivors of abuse. She designed an approach to working with survivors that was recognized with an award as well upon her graduation. She receives supervision in and practices psychodynamic therapy, ISTDP-informed therapy and EMDR. Her supervisors are both in Rochester and in Pakistan. She has also been trained in strength-based solution-focused work. She enjoys working with different parts of people and helping them fall in love with all their bits. She believes therapy is a brave step and a transformative journey.
- GenderFemale
Type of Therapy
- Individual